Sunday, August 07, 2005


A new start

I tried to start a blog on cultural stuff about a year ago, and succeeded in only making a single post. My problem is that I get stuck up on language. Lately, after reading an increasing number of awkward sentences in the New York Times, I figure I can do better than some of them.

This time, I'm determined to not let myself be intimidated by the potential angst and work that it takes to maintain a blog. Sure, I see lots of blogs that are collages of words and images. It's cute and artistic, and generally doesn't convey all that much. Now that my dissertation is 5 years in the past, I feel my writing abilities going on the wane, and beyond e-mail, I want a venue that will enable me to keep my verbal skills in shape. Ergo: blog.

When I began my blog on LiveJournal, I figured I'd post reviews of the various shows, concerts and movies that I saw. This time, I think I should expand the scope to larger cultural issues that I find of interest.

So that's my basic aim and goal. If I succeed in posting a body of writing, in six months or so I'll take a look and see if the goal needs revision.

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